How to buy on the TASHI online store?
Buying on the TASHI online store is very easy and quite intuitive. Simply follow the following steps:
- Choose the articles you like the most by browsing our product catalogue (by category or collection) or through direct product search (by reference or name).
- After finding the item you want to buy, click the "Add to Cart" button. If you are choosing a ring or bracelet, it is important to select the desired size. If you are unsure of the right size, please refer to our Size Guide.
- The item is added to your shopping cart, so you can continue browsing the website or checkout.
- When you are ready to finalize your purchase, you should access your "Shopping Cart" by clicking on the "basket" icon that will appear in the upper right corner of the site.
- On this page, you will be asked to log in to our website if you have already created a customer account, or to create an account. If you wish to purchase a product and do not create an account, you should select the "No" option to the "Do you want to register" question under the account creation module.
- If you choose to register, you will have access to your personal area that will allow you, among other advantages, to access your addresses, track your orders, and more. If you choose not to register, you will be asked for the necessary data for the delivery of your order, indicating only the name, email and address.
- On the order confirmation page, you will have access to information about your products. It is also on this page that you should enter a promotional code or activate the discount coupons, as well as choose the most appropriate method for product delivery. After this option, you should click on "Continue".
- On this page, you will be asked to confirm the delivery details of your products and the data necessary to issue the invoice. Here you will also be able to choose the payment method you will use. After accepting our terms and conditions, you should click on the "Pay safely" button.
- After completing the payment and the respective online purchase, you will be emailed all the details pertaining to the order, delivery and billing data.
If you have any additional questions, you can contact us through our Customer Support, via our Contact form or by phone (between 9:30 am and 6:00 pm on working days).
Advantages of buying online at TASHI?
Buying online at TASHI is easy, simple, fast and secure! We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with fast delivery in mainland Portugal.
Different order delivery options, secure payment through the available methods, and customer support service are the benefits of those buying online.
When browsing, you can create your own "Wish List" with the products you like the most by clicking on the "heart" icon, and you can share it in various ways with anyone you like.
Also, if Christmas or your birthday is coming up and you want to help someone to get you the perfect gift, you can select the "Ask as gift" option on each product page. This action will trigger an email to a person of your choice, mentioning the product you want to receive.
Do selling prices include VAT?
Yes, all the indicated values include VAT at the current legal rate and represent the final payment price for the chosen item.
Can I delete items that are in my shopping cart?
In your "Shopping Cart" you can find all the products added during your navigation through the site, as well as product information, the quantity chosen and the price.
Should you wish to change the quantity chosen in any product, you must click on the "+" or "-" button.
If you want to delete one of the articles, you must click on "Remove".
How is my article packaged?
Your items are sent in a TASHI box and may include (at an extra cost) an exclusive TASHI bag sealed with a brand logo sticker.There are exceptions, however, due to the size of the products being sent, but we will ensure that they are properly and well packaged.
How to use a discount voucher?
The discount voucher or a voucher can be used on any purchase in the online TASHI shop. On the shopping cart page and/or checkout page, you can enter the code of your discount voucher or voucher in the "Promotional Code" or "Use a code" fields. The value of the voucher will be deducted from the value of a product added to your shopping cart
Is the shipping free?
Mainland Portugal
Shipping costs are free over €10. If your order has a value of €10 or less, shipping costs are €3.95.
Portugal - Madeira and The Azores
Shipping costs are free over €10. If your order has a value of €10 or less, shipping costs are €4.80.
Shipping costs are free over €10. If your order has a value of €10 or less, shipping costs are €4.90.
Remaining European Union countries
Shipping costs are free over €150. If your order has a value of 150€ or less, shipping costs are 18.90€.
Rest of Europe and Other Continents
We do not currently deliver orders to other European countries or to countries outside Europe.
What is the difference between shipping address and billing address?
The shipping address is the address where you want to receive your order if you choose the "Home Delivery" option.
The billing address is the address that will be on the invoice of your order. The name of the invoice holder must be the same as the tax number given.
At any time, the billing address can be checked or edited, which can be the same as the shipping address.